My Crypto Heroes


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Battle Lab

Battle Lab

Due to “Battle Lab”, your heroes get buff by the win rate and use rate. The more your heroes are not active, the more heroes get buff.

From the Battle Lab page on Colosseum, you can check how your heroes get buff.

*Replica heroes also get the effect like Original ones.

In “Battle Lab”, the buff will be calculated by the “use rate” and “win rate” every about 15 minutes.

*We will change 15 minutes interval thinking about the burdens of system and UX.

*Your heroes will get the effect at the time of the battle. If there are some changes between matching and battle (60 seconds), there is nothing to do with your heroes.

Your heroes can get the status buff or de-buff from Battle Lab, and the status effected by Battle Lab will be the initial status on the Battle.

*Surely, the maximum number of PHY, INT, and AGI is 999.Only HP is over 1000 from Battle Lab.

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